Monday, September 29, 2014

Song of Earned Repose

After long labour
Your head is heavy
It is fitting to rest now
For thine work is done
Let thy breath relax
And rest upon earth
For it is your home
From whence came
So then returned
Thanks for the days
Of shared presence
Now free thy burden
Relinquish pain and fear

They cannot touch you now

T.S. Dann 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Be Your Own Fan

So, I've been quiet for a while. Why is that? Because I've been busy as hell going over the final proofs for Nightmarescape. After two printed proofs and an electronic one, I feel that my manuscript is suitable for publishing. The only thing that is in waiting now is the final cover. Once the brightness gets corrected, Nightmarescape will be going to print. I'm expecting the new cover sample to come from Booklogix this week...which means...I should have printed copies in a couple weeks at most...This is actually happening. Some of you have been listening to me for years and probably think I'm full of shit at this point...but mark my words, it is coming...and it has not been easy.

Which leads me to the point of this post, inspired by a Facebook posting done by my good friend Nathan Hamilton (aka The Son of Celluloid, and the other half of Netherworld Haunted House's Team Filthy). The point of the post is that any creative endeavor relies on the creator to make it happen. Many people will say they are going to help you, do things for/with you, etc, but then will never follow through. I hate to say it, but in my experiences with getting this book published, this has been a harsh truth. The artists and people I have dealt with to actually get it done have all been professionals. All of the amateurs fell through on their promises. Creativity is not always something that can be accomplished by a single person. I'm a good writer, but a terrible artist; therefore I will not be creating my own cover designs, character portraits, etc. I have done some as mock-ups and concepts, but that is where my talent in that area ends. The same goes for the editing of the book, several people offered to help/do it for free or next to nothing and ended up not following through.

Where am I going with all this? Well when you believe in something, you have to believe in it harder than anyone else for it to actually happen. This is particularly true of individual creative endeavors. You have to be your own biggest fan first and foremost because in the beginning, you will not have fans. You will have friends and some people who are curious, but people will not be able to appreciate your work until it is made manifest. Even then, the word will have to spread. It will be on you to get that ball rolling. Just because you have made something does not mean that people will know it exists or care.  Do not rely on others to do it for you despite what they may say or offer. Treat your endeavor as a business transaction if you plan to use it as a product. It is really the only practical way to look at such things.

All this said, Nightmarescape has taken ten years to get to this point. I could have given up long ago, but since I did not, I will have something to show for it and to share. Stand by. It is coming. I don't have an exact date, but will keep you posted. The Nightmare begins soon...

And for all your horror fixins check out the Son of Celluloid blog and Youtube channel: