Saturday, May 23, 2015

An awesome review for Nightmarescape

 This is one of the best reviews I've gotten on Nightmarescape so far:

Format:Kindle Edition
When I first started reading this book, I'll admit it took me a few pages to get into it. I've never been much of a fan of the third person pov but with this one, it works. Not to mention the genre, horror hasn't been my go-to read for quite some time now. This being said, it took me until about 25 to 30 percent of the way into this journey to really accept it, to embrace it, but at that point I was all-in. This one will be unforgettable for me, to say the least.
I really got into the characters' minds after initially breaking into the storyline and I never let go of them. They all had their own unique background and each was explained thoroughly. These people, my God. You hate them when you first meet them but you are quickly thrown into their world, fighting alongside them, riding along with them with every turn of every page. The author paints their emotions on his own bleak canvas, and does so flawlessly. The characters are hard to fall in love with at first, but once you get to know them they are nearly impossible to forget.
T.S. Dann has done a great job with this one, I've never really read anything quite like this. It's a totally different approach to all of the psych/ paranormal/ horror/ totally uncategorizable genre that it is. I freaking loved it! Yes, read it!!!
I will read the next in this series, undoubtedly.
Once I finished this book, I realized how much I had adjusted to the different style of Dann's writing and had also come to enjoy it. I look forward to the next in this series, (yes, I was happy to read that it will be a series!) and eagerly anticipate it.
Great first novel, Mr. Dann! Please keep it going!

Thanks, and don't 2 is well under way and will be continuing the saga in the most brutal and grandiose of fashions. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

100 Reasons Release

As you may know, 100 Reasons released yesterday, May 16, 2015. It is currently free until May 21 2015. Here is some of the high praise coming from other authors:

 "Poe would have been proud!" -Claudette Nicole Melanson author of Rising Tide and Minion

 "Dark, gritty, poignant, and often grimly humorous each poem paints a vivid picture nonetheless." -Kayti Nika Raet author of Niko and the Outsider Chronicles

 "If you have always thought of poetry as frilly writing that discusses love and flowers, you are in for a harsh wake up call. And I do mean harsh." -Roma Gray author of Gray Shadows Under a Harvest Moon

 And here is what some reviewers have to say:

 "And I thought I had problems!" -Adam, Amazon reviewer

 "It is an accusatory volume that points its glass pipe-burnt finger at society and dares you to not wallow in your futility" -Phil, Amazon Reviewer 

" T.S. Dann's writing is very raw and real." -Bigtoerelations, Amazon reviewer

 "Dont tread this path lightly." -Jessica, Amazon reviewer

 I couldn't ask for better feedback.

Get a copy for yourself:

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Aleister Update 5/15/2015

So, you've probably noticed that I've been pretty quiet about my superworm Aleister. Well, he's been curled up in the bottom of his cup for a while now. I came home today and found that he had shed his skin and become a pupa. This is the next stage on his (not sure still...just going with pejorative male here) journey to beetlehood. Have a looksee....oh yeah...and 100 Reasons releases on Amazon on Saturday. If you want a free one, you can win one in my goodreads givewaway. See below the pictures.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

100 Reasons by T.S. Dann

100 Reasons

by T.S. Dann

Giveaway ends May 16, 2015.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter to Win

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Aleister May 2, 2015

So..Aleister, my superworm, is curling up and not moving around much. This means two possible things: 1. He's dying. 2. He's about to begin pupating. I'm hoping for the latter. Based on all the life cycle stuff I've looked up, that's what it seems like. If that's the case, then I'll have a full grown beetle soon. Have a look.

100 Reasons for preorder

100 Reasons is now up for preorder on Amazon