Saturday, June 27, 2015

Coming soon: Castrated Epoch

I had a poem in 100 Reasons entitled Castrated Epoch. It's about being lonely and remembering better times. I grew rather fond of the piece, and wrote a short story based around it. After I get it formatted and get the cover finalized, it will be going up on Amazon as a stand-alone short.

Here's the poem:

Castrated Epcoh

Messy hair covers your shoulders
A flowy skirt brushes your feet
You stand holding a gothic fence
A beautiful bohemian treasure
In some era long past
Where I never lived
A time when we could chill
Together in gardens
Under warm gray skies
Surrounded by lusty greenery
Bonded and drinking whiskey
Til we pass out and dream
Nowadays I do it alone
My room smelling a cistern
I have my freedom but
Don’t know what to do with it
Should have existed long ago
We could’ve been together
I’m leaving this fantasy

Going back to the castrated epoch

You can also hear me recite it on Youtube:

Just imagine what happiness can come from 17 pages of that. See you soon kids. 

Aleister, The Mighty Beetle

A couple updates of the worm turned beetle. Take a look at how deep and dark his color has gotten while he climbs and eats.

Saturday, June 13, 2015


A good friend and fan made this. Too funny not to share:

Monday, June 8, 2015

Nightmarescape 2

So as some of you know, I am well into writing the 2nd book in the Nightmarescape series. It will focus on Banshee as the main character with Curse having a side story that brings the two of them together once again. That being said, I'm about 80,000 words in and have decided to do some pretty heavy rewriting already. It will be even longer when done. It's also going to delay finishing the manuscript. I hope to have it done by the fall and then can begin edits in winter. In the meantime, you can get caught up to speed on the first book:

Sunday, June 7, 2015

2 days on

Aleister is darkening in color, eating well, and running around his new tank. Gotta say...I'm glad I rescued him from becoming a food bug.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Aleister...full grown

Ladies n jerks, I've been quiet for a while. I haven't been posting pictures of Aleister while he/she (just gonna stick with he as a pejorative for now cus it's easier and it's near impossible to determine their sex without a microscope or dissection, which I wont' be doing). I've been letting him rest while he was in the pupa, but after a long day at work dealing with shootings and other hilarity, I came home to find him hatched and a full grown Darkling Beetle. I must say, I've done alright for a single father working a full time plus job.