Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Nightmarescape book 2 update

So some of you have already read Nightmarescape and are already asking about the next book. Well it's gonna be a minute.
I have written a LOT of material for the second book, but after sitting down and reviewing it, I have made the decision to rewrite a large portion of it. A little hint of things to come: the second book is split point of view between Curse and Banshee, but it is primarily Banshee's story. I really didn't feel like the material I had created did justice to her character nor did the parallel time of their stories flow well.

There's a pretty good reason for this. I have been chipping away at this book since 2010 when I finished the first Nightmarescape. When I began my position as a detective, most of my time went out the window. It still is. In addition to working that day job (which often stretches into a night job and sometimes a 24 hour job), I'm trying to get the word out about the first book. Marketing, taxes, sales records, etc, all get in the way of creative time.

This led me to write book 2 in chapters. This is not something I normally do. I wrote the first book as a single narrative and broke it up later. I think I need to go back to that. Everything moved better. Along with that, I have had numerous great ideas for scenes that occur later in the book and have written them only to find that they then seem to be out of context at that actual point in the story, have inconsistencies, etc. So a lot of what has been written is getting scrapped.

Ultimately, it will delay book 2's arrival, but as the creator of this series, I feel like I have to do right by my characters and the small following of fans I have gained. I don't want to put out something half-assed, so I'll fix what's broken.

Sometimes, you have to burn something down for a phoenix to rise. In the meantime, grab a copy of Nightmarescape and in February, you'll be able to get 100 Reasons.

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